How do I install Store Locator Widgets on Webflow

Support > Installation Guides > How do I install Store Locator Widgets on Webflow

1. Click here to get your embed code, highlight it and copy it to your clipboard.

2. Open your Webflow dashboard and click on the website project that you want to add your store locator to:

3. Inside the Webflow Designer, click on the top left icon with + (or click the A on your keyboard) and click on the Section element. Drag it inside the page where you want your store locator to appear:

4. Now let's add the embed code for the store locator. Click again on the + icon and scroll to the last section where you will find an element called Embed. Click and drag it inside the section you just created:

5. Paste in the code that you copied in the first step.

6. Click Save & Close.

7. Publish the changes to your domain and your store locator should now be visible.